Setup your XRPL EVM Mainnet or Testnet node.

ResourceMinimum RecommendationNotes
Operating SystemLinux (AMD64)A recent Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, CentOS 8, Debian 11) is strongly recommended for stability, security, and compatibility.
CPU4 Physical Cores or MoreMulti-core processors provide enough parallel processing to efficiently handle validation, API requests, and block synchronization. Higher core counts can enhance performance under heavy load.
Memory (RAM)32GBSufficient memory ensures smooth operation during peak network load, handling large state DB operations, and responding to complex smart contract queries. More memory may further improve performance.
Storage500GB NVMe SSDA high-performance NVMe SSD provides fast random access and write speeds, which are essential for maintaining a responsive node database and quickly processing state updates. More storage capacity may be required for archive nodes or long-term data retention.
Network100MbpsA stable 100Mbps connection or faster ensures timely propagation of blocks, efficient peer discovery, and responsive API endpoints. Lower bandwidth may lead to delayed synchronization or performance bottlenecks.

To get started with the node setup.


This setup has been tested with exrpd version 6.0.0

  1. Install the latest binary from the official XRPL EVM node repo
  2. Move the binary to your preferred directory
  3. Make the binary executable
Terminal window
chmod +x exrpd
  1. Confirm if exrpd successfully installed by running version command
Terminal window
exrpd version
  1. Create the .exrpd directory in your user’s home directory:
Terminal window
mkdir -p ~/.exrpd

Inside it, you will eventually see two subfolders. The first is ~/.exrpd/config. The second is ~/.exrpd/data.

  1. Set the chain id
Terminal window
exrpd config chain-id exrp_1440002-1
  1. Initialize the node Make sure to replace <your_moniker> with a short ASCII-only name for your node (e.g., my-node).
Terminal window
exrpd init <your_moniker> --chain-id exrp_1440002-1

This step populates the afforementioned ~/.exrpd directory with the config and data directories.

You can download Peersyst’s snapshot.


Note: you can also download from genesis but genesis was created with v1.0.0 and if you downloaded the latest exrpd you will be running a later version than that.

This may take a few hours to complete and will require about ~142gb of storage. Once completed, extract the file into your ~/.exrpd/data folder.

You need peers so that your node can sync with the devnet. The XRPL EVM Devnet provides a text file listing known peers:

Grab 10

Terminal window
PEERS=$(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Peersyst/xrp-evm-archive/main/poa-devnet/peers.txt \
| sort -R \
| head -n 10 \
| awk '{print $1}' \
| paste -s -d, -)

Inject the peers into your config.toml file (persistent_peers):

Terminal window
sed -i.bak -e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$PEERS\"/" \

The XRP EVM node is a CometBFT Node. The ampd daemon however will be attempting to interact with your node as an Ethereum JSON RPC compatible node. To configure your CometBFT Node to support Ethereum JSON RPC functionality you need to update your app.toml file. In the JSON RPC section of the app.toml update the enable flag to true.

### JSON RPC Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the JSONRPC server should be enabled.
enable = true

At this point your ~/.exrpd file should have a config and data file. The config should be wired up with various configurations including the

  1. addrbook.json
  2. app.toml
  3. client.toml
  4. config.toml
  5. config.toml.bak
  6. genesis.json
  7. node_key.json
  8. priv_validator_key.json

The data directory should contain the data that you extraced from the snpashot you installed before.

Run the following command to start the node

Terminal window
exrpd start

You should see logs similar to

Terminal window
INF starting ABCI with CometBFT module=server
INF finalized block block_app_hash=... height=13242560 ...
  1. “ERR failed to add block ... got an already committed block #XXXX”. This just means your node already processed the block from a faster peer.
  2. Periodic connect/disconnect messages (e.g., SendTimeout, error with peer ...) This is normal. Tendermint/CometBFT will drop slow or unresponsive peers and reconnect if needed.
  3. “catching_up”: true This means your node thinks there are more blocks to fetch. If the Devnet is actively producing blocks, this will remain true until you fully sync. If the network is paused or slow, it may stay true indefinitely, but you’ll still be at the latest block.
  1. No peers
  • Make sure you updated persistent_peers.
  • If you see repeated “No addresses to dial,” your node has zero connections. Re-run the peer script or check the docs for seed nodes.
  1. Genesis or config file errors
  • Ensure the chain ID and all fields (like initial_height) are in the correct format (typically string in Cosmos).
  • Re-download the official genesis.json if in doubt.
  1. Port collisions
  • If something else is using 26657, you may need to open ~/.exrpd/config/config.toml and change your RPC ports.
  1. Minimum gas price error
  • If you receive an error that says Error: set min gas price in app.toml or flag or env variable: error in app.toml. Set the minimum-gas-prices field in app.toml to a value for example 0.25axrp

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